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Foot Reflexology

What Is Foot Reflexology?

Reflexology is not a foot massage but a powerful complementary  therapy that has been practised for thousands of years.


A non-invasive form of holistic therapy, it is based on the principle that the body is mapped on to the feet.  Reflexology involves applying pressure using the thumb, fingers and hands to specific reflex points on the feet that correspond to all organs and systems in the body. Through the manipulation and massage  of these reflexes profound results can often be achieved.

Reflexology is a holistic form of therapy involving body – mind -spirit.  When treating a client it is important to take all factors into account that may be affecting the client’s health rather than viewing the symptom in isolation as it the case with allopathic medicine. Reflexology puts the client in charge of his/her own healing; in communicating all factors that may be impacting the client’s health, the client thereby allows the reflexologist to tailor the treatment and after-care advice accordingly in order to facilitate healing and help to promote good health.



Benefits of Foot Reflexology:


  • Help the body to achieve a state of deep relaxation.

  • Help to alleviate tension and stress which in turn helps to combat stress related illnesses.

  • Help to combat fatigue and help with sleep disorders.

  • Improve blood flow which in turn aids better physical and psychological health.

  • Help with the stimulation of the immune system.

  • Help to eliminate toxins from the body which can prevent some illnesses from manifesting.


There has been a wealth of research carried out to date world-wide in Reflexology and many research papers that have been published highlighting in the findings various benefits of Reflexology. These can be found online.

Facial Reflexology

facial reflexology.png
Courtesy of Ziggie Bergan


The Bergman Method is a sophisticated technique, developed over more than 20 years with its foundations in ‘Zone Therapy’. Zone Therapy forms the basis of modern Reflexology and was originally created by Dr William Fitzgerald after studying Native Americans who used pressure point therapy to relieve pain.


How Does Facial Reflexology Work?

Facial Reflexology is built on the same premise as Foot Reflexology in that the whole body is mapped onto the face with specific reflex points that correlate with the body’s individual systems and organs. When these reflex points are stimulated and massaged messages are sent via the Nervous System to the corresponding organs and systems which effectively leads to release of energy blockages, improves circulation and puts mechanisms in place for the body to self-heal.


Facial Reflexology and Stress


An increasing number of studies are highlighting the links between chronic stress and major illnesses/conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, anxiety, chronic pain etc. When we are continuously being bombarded with stress and not taking time out to switch off the Sympathetic Nervous System then effectively our bodies are constantly dealing with the adverse effects of stress hormones. Often this is coupled with insufficient sleep or lack of a nutritious, balanced diet, or both, ultimately resulting in a weakened state in both body and mind and possibly illness.


Some of the symptoms of stress include: anxiety, depression, loss of appetite, digestive problems, insomnia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, headaches, migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, menstrual problems, memory loss. Facial Reflexology helps to rebalance the body and provides an invaluable tool to reduce the negative effects of stress.  

Benefits of Facial Reflexology

  •  Aims to relieve the negative effects of stress;

  • Through the release of endorphins (natural painkillers), it can have an analgesic effect, helping to reduce pain;

  • Stimulates facial/head reflex points to rebalance the body and     promote self-healing;

  • Faster response time due to the proximity of the brain                 (Nervous System) and the face;

  • Aims to improve circulation to the head and face;

  • Improves lymphatic drainage aiding the removal of waste             products and toxins;

  • Relieves tension in the muscle tissue;

  • Relieves mental strain and improves concentration;

  • Rejuvenates the skin leaving the face radiant and glowing;

  • Activates collagen and elastin making the skin plumper and         tighter;

  • Helps to sculpt and lift the face naturally;

  • Can improve acne and clear sebaceous glands;

  • Can help with insomnia, headaches, neck/shoulder pain, sinus issues.

  • Can aid symptoms of anxiety and dementia.


Facial Reflexology versus Foot Reflexology


This is completely down to individual preference. Both work towards re-balancing and promoting self-healing of the body. But Facial Reflexology offers additional beauty benefits, leaving the skin radiant and glowing. Furthermore, due to the proximity of the brain to the facial/head reflexes being worked upon, the response time for healing tends to be faster with Facial Reflexology.

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